KITSCH ARTINYA - KITSCH | English meaning

kitsch artinya   togel 97 Menurut kamus Merriam-Webster, kata kitsch berasal dari kosa kata bahasa Jerman verkitschen yang artinya to make cheap. Kata kitsch sendiri mulai digunakan

danatoto 63972 Kitsch is a term applied to art and design that is perceived as naïve imitation, overly eccentric, gratuitous or of banal taste. A Friend in Need, Thorsten Botz-Bornstein explains kitsch. See also What does it mean to be cool? https

daftar icloud Kitsch refers to art, objects, or design deemed to be in poor taste due to excessive garishness, sentimentality, or knowing irony. Sam says they're kitschy and brilliant. Sam biang mereka berlebihan dan cerdas. Living room, parlor, sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste.

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